Escape Room FAQs

Today we’ve got a bunch of our most interesting and most frequently asked questions for you. Then, we’ve put them all together in one post so you can refer to them whenever you feel the need. We like to take care of our Escape Room fans and make sure they have all the information they’ll ever need before they pay us a visit. 

Let’s start with the most pressing question of all:

What are Escape Room Games?

Close your eyes and imagine you’re locked in a room for an hour. The room you’re locked in is decorated and furnished in a particular theme. There is a sense of urgency, this sense of urgency is shared between a group of you, who are also locked in the same room as you. You’re all searching for clues, because this is where the secret to your eventual escape lies. You all find the clues, this is done by searching every corner of the room and by working together, as a team. You find the clues, you work them all out and then – hey presto, the door opens, you’ve found your way to freedom! But it’s not a dream it’s an actual game, that my friends is Escape Room Games. Oh, and by the way, you have an hour in which to do this.

Is there an age limit?

No there isn’t but obviously this is a demanding game so it may not be good for children younger than 10. If you do bring children under 16, if you think they’d enjoy it, then by all means brings them but make sure they’re accompanied by adults and that they do not come alone. 

Can I still come if I suffer with claustrophobia?

Of course! The rooms aren’t anywhere near as small as you’d imagine, this is because they have to accommodate groups of people from 2 to 6 so they’d have to be reasonably big to fit them all in and for them to have enough room to search the entire area. In any case, we will either leave the door to the room unlocked or even leave it open for the duration of your time in the room, if this helps. You can leave whenever you like. 

What’s the maximum amount of people allowed in the room?

So, you can get the most enjoyment out of your time here, we usually suggest at least 2 people (otherwise it would be bit lonely all on your own) or no more than 6. More than that will have you all scrabbling around bumping into each other and things, so try to leave it at 6. 

How much time should I plan to spend here?

You’ll need to think about the time it takes to get here, the hour you’re in the room and also the 30 minutes we usually use to talk to you and brief you on what to expect, plus health and safety and where all the exits are – the usual stuff. So, as well as the time it takes to get there, figure in at least an hour and a half. 

Escape Games Colchester – where your imagination can run riot.

So, there you have it, if you have any other questions you feel haven’t been covered here, why not give us a call? We’re very approachable and we don’t bite, and we’d be more than happy to answer any further questions you have in relation to our Escape Games here at Colchester. Book your room online or over the phone and we’ll see you here soon!