Escape Room Birthday Parties

You have a birthday coming up and you know what this means, another day where you struggle to look surprised when they shout er…‘surprise’ and spring another party on you. You’ve been here so many times, not just for you but for other people too. It’s not very original or surprising anymore either. 

What you want is a whole new way to celebrate your own birthday and your friends and family. You’re looking for something original and unique, something that will transport you to a different world and where you can celebrate without having to look constantly surprised – ‘fake’ surprised. 

Welcome to the Escape Rooms.

Here at Colchester we see all sorts coming in, those who are here to manage corporate teams and look out for particular key skills, students who are getting away from their books and those who are here to celebrate a milestone event in their lives. Of course, they also come here in droves to celebrate birthdays too.

Why are Escape Game birthdays Popular?

Firstly, they’re nowhere near as expensive as hiring a venue and having a full-blown birthday party. There’s no cake, presents or paying for alcohol and food. There’s just the one price for the Games and then it’s a case of inviting everyone to come. 

There are no height or age restrictions, unless of course you’re a child, in which case we advise that you come with an adult. There are very little in the way of height restrictions at our Escape Room Games, it’s for all ages - and all heights! As long as you’re interested in winning and in the game then that’s all you need to bring with you - just a lot of enthusiasm.

Teamwork is important.

You have to work together so there’s no-one left out. Nobody sits in a corner without anyone to talk to, this game is interactive and therefore requires everyone’s input. You are all working together as a team towards a common goal, no room then for who’s speaking to who and any arguments, just playing the game to win.

Something Different.

Escape Rooms offer something different for a birthday birthday. You’ll also find that all the rooms we use are themed escape rooms with ideas taken from popular culture be it a movie, book or game. You’ll love it because the rooms are so convincingly and accurately furnished throughout, allowing you to get lost in your imagination.

Escape Rooms have become popular relatively recently, starting out in Japan, becoming successful then in the United States and now here in the UK. They’re successful for a reason because they’re so much fun. 

Escape Colchester – for making your birthday the best yet.

Nobody wants a boring birthday party and we won’t let it be either. Come on down and enjoy the fun and let your birthday, or your friends, be the best one it’s ever been. Don’t let another year go by with a boring ‘surprise’ birthday party. Book your room online or over the phone and we’ll see you here.